So as I woke up this morning, I came to a conclusion. I don't know that my current routine is working for me. I'm not talking about the wonderful people in my life, or the things I do with my time, but rather how I spend my time. I feel like if I woke up early in the day and had a more relaxed morning instead of the hectic ones that I currently have, life would generally run in a much smoother fashion. I've never been a morning person, but I would love to work on making myself more of one. I definitely think it could improve my mood in the morning and I just feel like it might be good to give a try.
This is my endeavor for the rest of the become a morning person (and of course get my life organized or close to it). By the end of the summer, I want to be closer to living a normal life for a 25-year old woman. I feel like right now, I am not, but I would love to change that is my mission.
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