So I know I gave you all a little resolution check-in at the end of January and it's about that time again. It's now the end of February and while 2012 certainly is not what I expected, I'm not letting it get to me...too much. So while every so often I may waver slightly off course, for the most part I am doing well with all of my goals. I've been consistently using down my massive stash of beauty products and candles. I'm not wasting everything, either. I'm actually using/enjoying what I have. It's a nice feeling.
I haven't been biting my nails either. I somewhat cheated here, because once I got them long enough, I had a set of gels/acrylics put on so that I couldn't bite them. In my defense, there were a lot of stressful things going on and I really didn't want to break down and bite my nails. So, the simplest way to avoid it being a problem was to not allow it the chance to be. Nails are still manicured now, which is a win.
I've been conquering the diet too. I'm a little stuck with it at the moment because for some reason my weight seems to be stuck. Hopefully it starts going down again. It's not going up at least, which is positive.
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