Friday, September 9, 2011

Clothes, Clothes and more Clothes

I'll be the first to admit I have a problem...well I have several problems, but we're just focusing on one here.  And that main flaw is my love for "pretty things."  All someone needs to do is say those magical words, "shiny object" and they have my devoted attention.  This love of mine has reared its ugly head in the form of a shopping addiction mainly.   So now that I have come to terms with my problem, I've tried to find ways to appease my love of all things fashion and/or shiny.

This is where the lovely Polyvore outfit a day is coming in at on the blog.  Those are pretty cool.  My only real beef with the site is that it has all this couture clothing, but nothing from nice decent design studios such as Express, where most of my clothes happen to come from.  So this has resulted in multiple similar to outfits being posted.  In an ideal world, I'd have the look posted but in actuality, I have it's affordable cousin.  In fact, not only do I have it's affordable cousin, but the whole family tree.  I really do own far too much clothing.   I'll never say I own too many shoes though; because that just isn't possible.

All this being said, after some reminiscing the other day, I came to a conclusion.  Clueless truly was a fantastic movie with a huge appeal to the inner fashion and shopping addict in all of  us.  I mean, really take a step back and look at that closet she had.  It was fab.  Most females I know would still kill for that closet...and not for nostalgia's sake.  However, in today's day and age, there's still a fix of that same sort of awe available compliments of Rachel Zoe.  She's awesome.  She's essentially what Cher from Clueless would be as an adult.  Every ounce of fashion that comes out of her show is awesome and quite honestly; it's not far that sort of clothing isn't available to everyone.

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