Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 Year End

So my reflective posts are never all that exhilarating, but I'll toss in a year-end one just for good measure.  When all is said and done, I'm glad I created this blog.  If for nothing else, when I sit there and chronicle my outfit of the day, it forces me to look at myself and evaluate whether or not I'm approaching life like a slob.  Typically when this is how I feel, a really stellar outfit will follow it the next day to try and average out the overall appeal or lack there of.

In addition to that, I'm glad I created this blog when I did because I now have a venue for telling you all about the product reviews I'll be doing for Influenster.  It's a pretty cool site actually.  More details on this to come at a later point in time.

Regardless of my blog, I'm ready for 2012.  2011 was not the best year on the books. So hopefully, there's more in store for me in the coming year.  You'll get to hear all about it too. The good, the bad, the boring and the all finds its way into here.

work day 64 - love my christmas gifts!!

work day 64 - love my christmas gifts!!

Alexon red sleeveless shirt
£25 -

$28 -

$28 -

Sterling silver bangle
$152 -

Welikefashion.Com Tanktop Beauty
€35 -